Colorado’s HB25-1259 purports to address threats to IVF in Colorado, but diving into what the bill actually does makes clear it is almost entirely focused on gutting key provisions of Colorado’s “Donor-Conceived Persons and Families of Donor-Conceived Persons Protection Act” (DCPPA). HB25-1259 protects industry profits and reduces industry accountability to donor conceived people and their families.

At U.S. Donor Conceived Council, we strongly support greater protections for access to IVF and patient control over the disposal of embryos. That’s why we have proposed an alternative approach to Colorado lawmakers—one that will protect IVF without undermining protections for donor conceived people and their families.

Keep reading to learn how HB25-1259 makes it easier for companies to disregard DCPPA’s provisions and avoid enforcement for infractions.

Collection of Donor Identifying Information & Medical History

Disclosure of Donor Identifying Information & Medical History

Record Keeping

Written Educational Materials for Recipient Parents and Gamete Donors

Limits on the Number of Families Per Donor

Licensure, Inspection, & Penalties