Whether you’re a donor conceived person, donor, recipient parent, or the friend or family member of someone impacted by donor conception, you likely have questions about your personal situation that can best be answered by a mental health professional. Anonymously submit your question here and a member of our mental health team will provide an answer published to the USDCC website.*
*Submission of a question does not guarantee the question will be answered. Questions may be edited for length and clarity prior to publication.
DEAR ASK A THERAPIST: I’ve known I was DC my entire life but have always struggled with being donor conceived. I don’t like or agree with my parents’ choice of using an anonymous donor. I know their decision can’t be taken back, but I’m still so angry. I deserved to know my donor growing up, and it wasn’t fair that they chose this for me. I know the industry influenced their choice, but they still played a huge part in it. How can I feel better about this? — DONOR CONCEIVED PERSON
Continue Reading Ask A Therapist: Healing Long-Term DCP Anger
A donor conceived person wonders how to deal with unknown donor health history.
Continue Reading Ask a Therapist: Dealing with Unknown Donor Health History
An intended parent wonders about the impact of withholding their known donor’s identity until the child turns 16.
Continue Reading Ask a Therapist: Withholding a Known Donor’s Identity until Child is 16
A recipient parent struggles with the boundaries his donor conceived son has created around sharing information about siblings and the donor.
Continue Reading Ask A Therapist: Struggling with Donor Conceived Son’s Boundaries
A concerned friend wants to know how best to support a single mom by choice who has a strained relationship with her adult donor conceived daughter.
Continue Reading Ask a Therapist: Seeking Advice to Support a Single Mom by Choice
A donor conceived person struggles with feeling attracted to a newly discovered sibling.
Continue Reading Ask a Therapist: Feeling Attracted to a Donor Conceived Sibling
A donor conceived person wonders how to inform a new sibling that their father was not the donor and that the sibling is instead also donor conceived.
Continue Reading Ask a Therapist: Telling a New Sibling Their Father Was Not the Donor
A recipient parent seeks advice and resources to address her daughter’s deep distress from the late disclosure of being donor conceived.
Continue Reading Ask a Therapist: Dealing with Child’s Deep Distress after Adulthood Disclosure
A future recipient parent wonders about advice and resources available for entering into a known donor arrangement.
Continue Reading Ask a Therapist: Advice and Resources for Known Donor Arrangement
A recipient parent wonders how to fix a strained relationship with her child after failing to respond to the child’s curiosity about the donor while growing up.
Continue Reading Ask a Therapist: Estrangement after Ignoring Child’s Curiosity about the Donor
A recipient parent struggles with extra stored donor embryos and clinic restrictions.
Continue Reading Ask a Therapist: Struggling with Stored Donor Embryos
A recipient parent wonders how to discuss their child’s donor siblings and when to establish a relationship.
Continue Reading Ask a Therapist: Discussing and Building Relationships with Donor Siblings
A recipient parent wonders how and when to share donor information with young children who seem disinterested.
Continue Reading Ask a Therapist: Sharing Information with a Disinterested Young Child
A parent wonders how to convince their wife that they should reach out to their sperm donors for the sake of their children.
Continue Reading Ask a Therapist: How Can I Convince My Wife to Reach Out to Our Sperm Donors?
A recipient parent wonders how to discuss donor conception with her two-year-old child.
Continue Reading Ask a Therapist: How to Discuss Donor Conception with a Toddler
An intended parent wonders whether it is possible to do single parenthood by choice “right.”
Continue Reading Ask a Therapist: How to Do Single Parenthood by Choice “Right”
A recipient parent wonders how to navigate questions from her child when her country mandates anonymity.
Continue Reading Ask a Therapist: How to Answer Questions When Your Country Mandates Anonymity
An intended parent wonders how her potential donor and brother in law would tell his children about donating sperm.
Continue Reading Ask a Therapist: How to Discuss Familial Gamete Donation
A recipient parent wonders about how and when to connect their child with donor conceived siblings.
Continue Reading Ask a Therapist: Connecting a Child with Siblings
An intended parent wonders about the pros and cons of choosing a known donor versus an Open-ID-at-18 donor with her wife.
Continue Reading Ask a Therapist: Open ID at 18 or Known Donor
An intended parent wonders about the best way to choose a donor for the benefit of the future child.
Continue Reading Ask a Therapist: Choosing A Donor
An intended parent wonders about the implications of using an embryo created with an egg from an anonymous donor in Peru.
Continue Reading Ask a Therapist: Using an Anonymous Egg Donor from Peru
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Top Image by Lukas Blazek via Unsplash