The Uniform Law Commission announced the official amendment of Article 9 of the Uniform Parentage Act which will now require gamete banks to provide a donor’s identifying information to a resulting adult donor conceived person upon request. USDCC played an active role in securing this amendment.
Commodification of donor conceived people is rampant in egg donor recruitment ads. One agency's Barbie movie memes sparked outcry from the DCP community.
USDCC sought to collect data on sperm banks across the United States. A survey was conducted in which sperm bank websites were reviewed for relevant data and then those data were confirmed via contact with representatives from each bank.
In August and September 2022, U.S. Donor Conceived Council (USDCC) asked people with a connection to donor conception what changes to the donor conception industry and practices they would like to see.
U.S. Donor Conceived Council (USDCC) is proud to support the California State Legislature’s passage of AB 1896, which will require gamete banks licensed in the state to provide written educational materials to prospective donors and intended recipients beginning in 2024.
As the sun rose on May 11, 2022, it brought the dawn of a new day for donor conceived people in the United States. The night before, the Colorado “Donor-Conceived Persons and Families of Donor-Conceived Persons Protection Act” passed unanimously.
U.S. Donor Conceived Council is proud to have collaborated with and obtained support from a variety of experts and stakeholders during the progression of Colorado’s “Donor-Conceived Persons and Families of Donor-Conceived Persons Protection Act” (SB 22-224) from initial draft to adoption by the Colorado General Assembly.
U.S. Donor Conceived Council is thrilled to celebrate Colorado’s landmark passage of the “Donor-Conceived Persons and Families of Donor-Conceived Persons Protection Act,” the first act in the United States focused on protecting the rights of people conceived using sperm, eggs, or embryos provided by unknown third parties.
The act will give adult donor conceived people the ability to obtain the identity of the donor used to conceive them and sets an enforceable limit of 25 families (in or outside of Colorado) for any one gamete donor, with no limit on the number of children born per family. The act will be prospective from 2025 with no impact on prior donations.
Other notable provisions of the act will require gamete agencies, banks, and fertility clinics to obtain a Colorado license and periodically request updates from donors on their medical history and contact information. Additionally, records on sperm and egg donors will be subject to permanent retention. This will help ensure that donor conceived persons will have ongoing access to their updated family medical history.
Colorado SB 22-224, the “Donor-Conceived Persons and Families of Donor-Conceived Persons Protection Act,” is moving to the Colorado House of Representatives. We need your voice in support of this landmark legislation.