USDCC Opposes Harmful Provision in S. 4638 (2025 National Defense Authorization Act)
USDCC opposes Section 627(f) of S. 4638 (2025 National Defense Authorization Act).
USDCC opposes Section 627(f) of S. 4638 (2025 National Defense Authorization Act).
A donor conceived person wonders how to inform a new sibling that their father was not the donor and that the sibling is instead also donor conceived.
Before deciding to donate, it is important to ask the right questions to ensure that your contributions are used ethically and in accordance with your expectations.
USDCC attended the 2024 Jones Foundation Infertility Counseling Conference in Philadelphia.
USDCC volunteers spoke on a panel at the Canadian Fertility and Andrology Society's 2024 conference in Toronto.
A recipient parent struggles with extra stored donor embryos and clinic restrictions.
The Uniform Law Commission announced the official amendment of Article 9 of the Uniform Parentage Act which will now require gamete banks to provide a donor’s identifying information to a resulting adult donor conceived person upon request. USDCC played an active role in securing this amendment.
A recipient parent wonders about how and when to connect their child with donor conceived siblings.
I’m sure I said, “It’s actually a ‘donor’ not a father.” I can remember my voice saying, “Our daughter doesn’t have a dad. She has two moms.” But much of that changed for me when I found out about my own donor conception experience.
An intended parent wonders about the pros and cons of choosing a known donor versus an Open-ID-at-18 donor with her wife.