I was kept in the dark about being donor conceived. It left me blind as a parent.
When Edward Miles became a parent, he realized that his lack of information as a donor conceived person not only impacted him but now his own child as well.
When Edward Miles became a parent, he realized that his lack of information as a donor conceived person not only impacted him but now his own child as well.
A donor conceived person wonders how to inform a new sibling that their father was not the donor and that the sibling is instead also donor conceived.
A recipient parent seeks advice and resources to address her daughter's deep distress from the late disclosure of being donor conceived.
A recipient parent wonders how to discuss their child's donor siblings and when to establish a relationship.
I’m sure I said, “It’s actually a ‘donor’ not a father.” I can remember my voice saying, “Our daughter doesn’t have a dad. She has two moms.” But much of that changed for me when I found out about my own donor conception experience.
"I joke with people that my first thought was, 'I’ve been diluted.' And as humorous as it may be to joke that finding out I was half white contributed to a sense of identity or cultural 'dilution,' it simultaneously created an incomparable sadness that took years to deconstruct."