Recipient Parents: Holiday Stressors & Strategies
The holidays can be a joyous time, and they can certainly also bring a unique stress for families who had help to become parents.
The holidays can be a joyous time, and they can certainly also bring a unique stress for families who had help to become parents.
The holidays are fraught with stressors for everyone. As an egg, sperm, or embryo donor, the holidays contain an extra layer of complexity.
A concerned friend wants to know how best to support a single mom by choice who has a strained relationship with her adult donor conceived daughter.
When Edward Miles became a parent, he realized that his lack of information as a donor conceived person not only impacted him but now his own child as well.
A donor conceived person struggles with feeling attracted to a newly discovered sibling.
A known sperm donor considers meeting his minor donor conceived offspring.
A donor conceived person wonders how to inform a new sibling that their father was not the donor and that the sibling is instead also donor conceived.
Stephanie Wicker, a single mother by choice, explains why she ultimately decided against using anonymous donor sperm and opted instead for a known donor.
Valerie Bauman describes “Inconceivable: A Memoir” as part memoir and part investigative journalism, leading readers through her own journey to motherhood while looping in interviews from donors, recipient parents, donor conceived individuals, and reproductive professionals.
Before deciding to donate, it is important to ask the right questions to ensure that your contributions are used ethically and in accordance with your expectations.