Donor Conception in the United States Compared to Other Countries
The United States is one of the largest exporters of sperm in the world because unlike many other countries, the sperm "donation" industry remains largely unregulated.
The United States is one of the largest exporters of sperm in the world because unlike many other countries, the sperm "donation" industry remains largely unregulated.
The answer is simple: as soon as possible. Donor conceived people (DCP) need to know the truth about their conception from birth, or at the very least, prior to age 3.
On a recent episode of Dr. Phil, host Phil McGraw interviewed a 30-year-old man named Kyle who operates as a pro bono private sperm donor.
For donor conceived people, a lack of complete, truthful, and updated family medical history can be the difference between life or death.
Are you a former donor or considering becoming one? Read this guide.
Many donor conceived people argue it is detrimental to use the term “donor” because it promotes a false narrative of altruism and obscures reality.