Ask a Therapist: How to Discuss Familial Gamete Donation
An intended parent wonders how her potential donor and brother in law would tell his children about donating sperm.
An intended parent wonders how her potential donor and brother in law would tell his children about donating sperm.
I cannot remember a time in my life that I did not know I was donor conceived. I was raised by the most amazing single mother and never lacked anything, but I was constantly reminded I did not have a dad.
U.S. Donor Conceived Council team members recently attended Pride events to show solidarity with and support of the LGBTQ community. Dylan S., USDCC’s director of sperm donor resources and content, attended a family Pride event […]
I was born in London to two mums who used an anonymous sperm donor to conceive me. I was raised knowing my conception story, as it was talked about casually, and all my questions were answered to their best ability as I grew up.
A recipient parent wonders about how and when to connect their child with donor conceived siblings.
A former sperm donor with at least 96 donor offspring shares the five things he wishes he had known before donating.
Deciding to use donor sperm or eggs is often a result of a fertility complication. In this emotional process, the consideration of how donor conceived people (DCP) will feel about their conception is often overlooked.
Guest blog by Peter J. Boni, author of Uprooted: Family Trauma, Unknown Origins, and the Secretive History of Artificial Insemination
U.S. Donor Conceived Council is pleased to announce the introduction of SB 22-224, the “Donor-Conceived Persons And Families of Donor-Conceived Persons Protection Act” by Colorado Senate President Stephen Fenberg.
The United States is one of the largest exporters of sperm in the world because unlike many other countries, the sperm "donation" industry remains largely unregulated.