Ask a Therapist: Using an Anonymous Egg Donor from Peru
An intended parent wonders about the implications of using an embryo created with an egg from an anonymous donor in Peru.
An intended parent wonders about the implications of using an embryo created with an egg from an anonymous donor in Peru.
U.S. Donor Conceived Council had the opportunity to attend and participate in the 2023 Jefferson Infertility Counseling Conference in Philadelphia from April 26 to 29, 2023.
USDCC sought to collect data on sperm banks across the United States. A survey was conducted in which sperm bank websites were reviewed for relevant data and then those data were confirmed via contact with representatives from each bank.
A former sperm donor with at least 96 donor offspring shares the five things he wishes he had known before donating.
Parents who want to keep donor conception a secret are usually trying to protect their child from emotional and relationship distress, but secrets are no guarantee of protection. Just as anonymity is hard to protect for a lifetime, genetic information is hard to keep secret for a lifetime.
Deciding to use donor sperm or eggs is often a result of a fertility complication. In this emotional process, the consideration of how donor conceived people (DCP) will feel about their conception is often overlooked.
U.S. Donor Conceived Council (USDCC) is proud to support the California State Legislature’s passage of AB 1896, which will require gamete banks licensed in the state to provide written educational materials to prospective donors and intended recipients beginning in 2024.
If you haven't told your family that you donated sperm or eggs, read this guide.
Short answer: no. Regardless of the contract or paperwork a donor signs, it is simply unrealistic to believe any donor can remain anonymous.
List of commonly used terms and abbreviations related to donor conception and assisted reproduction.